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About The Ephemera Society


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Established in 1975, the Society is internationally recognised as the authority in the field of ephemera, counting among its members libraries, museums, colleges and universities, as well as ephemera dealers and private individuals in twenty countries.

The emblem of the Society represents Samuel Pepys (1633 - 1703), Secretary to the Admiralty and celebrated diarist. Described by the society’s founder, Maurice Rickards, as “the first general ephemerist”, Pepys's collection embraced trade cards, board games and labels as well as ballads and other street literature.

Book plate designed by Samuel Pepys

A lesser known fact about the great diarist is that in 1698 Pepys designed a bookplate for his convivial friend Arthur Charlett, master of University College, Oxford. Shown here, it is the first in a style which became immensely popular known as bookpile ex-libris.

Samuel Pepys in his diary does not mention the acquisition of ephemera but it was clearly of considerable interest to him. Surviving in two large albums at Magdalene College, Cambridge, are over one thousand items he kept to illustrate his daily life in London.

Members of Council

  • President     Professor Michael Twyman
  • Chair           Professor Dickon Weir-Hughes
  • Secretary     Vacant
  • Treasurer     Vacant
  • Fairs Secretary   John Robertson
  • Ephemerist Editor   Sara Chapman
  • Website   Malcolm Warrington

Council members without designated office

  • Co-opted members: Robertino Poposki; Ellie Kilburn; Julie Anne Lambert; Kiki Werth; John Martin

The Ephemera Society is seeking more people to serve on its committe. Perhaps you simply see yourself as a potential council member without specific duties, you will be more than welcome. Applicants must be members of the Society. The roles are voluntary and undpaid. If you are interested please contact us.


Quotes from Maurice Rickards